November 24, 2014 ~ November 28, 2014

Monday, Nov. 24
2 of Pentacles
Monday is fairly humdrum… same old, same old. A good day to work diligently since the environment will be quiet. Everybody will be too busy fixated on their own work. I know — it doesn’t sound fun, but it’s a good day to clean out the drains … Continue reading

Monday, May 5, 2014 – Fear and Courage


Today, we have the Eight of Cups.

The emphasis is on courage. How badly do you want what you want?

Eights are related to Strength or Justice card depending on the deck. You may find that both interpretations fit. Strength is about strength and courage. The Justice card is about doing what’s right and true.

Do you have courage to be true to yourself? Sure you do!

In this particular card from the Bohemian Gothic Tarot, the girl motions towards a dark corridor as if to say, “Are you coming?”

There is a desire to follow her and go through the unlit corridor, if only out of curiosity. Are you willing to go through the dark (your fears) in order to get what you want?

In astrology, this would be described by your Mars function. With Saturn involved, you may fear what you want to pursue or fear getting what you want. It may even extend to fear of success. Sound familiar?

Do you have something you want to pursue but simultaneously have fears about? Did you overcome a fear? Tell us about it!

Monday, April 28, 2014 – Oppositions


Monday, we have the 8 of Cups.

Your heart could be pulled in two different directions today. There are oppositions from the grand cross.

Issues may come to the forefront of your mind. Things like whether to stay or go, be comfortable or take a risk, and security vs freedom.

You do not have to act on the information you get, but it is worth reviewing the information before making any decisions. The issue came up for a reason.

Are you considering any tough decisions today?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014 – Patterns


Wednesday, we have the 8 of Cups.

The 9 of Cups is often called the wish card and contains its various related interpretations. But today, the 8 of Cups will share the 9 of Cups meaning because its placement before the nine in the suit.

Sometimes, you get what you wish for and there’s a problem: it doesn’t turn out the way you had hoped, you lose all desire for it once you get it, you don’t know what to do, and other gripes. People with Venus in Aries can struggle with this since they generally lose interest once they’ve conquered the object of desire.

Now that you’ve gotten what you wished for, what do you do now?

Some people pursue the next dream (or love object) and repeat this over and over. But they are dissatisfied in the end. They are stuck, repeating the 8 of Cups.

There’s nothing wrong with repeating something, so long as you are getting somewhere! But if you are repeating a pattern, getting nowhere, and feeling dissatisfied each time, it’s worth a closer examination.

There is no easy, cookie cutter solution for this. You’ll have to do things like ask why something isn’t working, examine your expectations, look at your own actions, and break a pattern that does not work for you.

However, the 8 of Cups offers some guidance. Six of Cups conveys harmony and Two of Cups conveys a meeting. If you can meet the harmony in yourself and in your life, you’ll be much closer to getting what you really want or need.

Can you relate? Have you untangled yourself from a pattern?